You and Your Body
So, you’ve begun to reject the war on your body. No more starving it, no more attempts to manipulate it into some impossible shape or...

Sating the Binge
Women and men across the world suffer terrible shame over quite a sensible act: binge eating. Even without full-on binges, many find...

To Be Mindful, Or Not to Be?
I recently read an article on the nytimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/26/opinion/sunday/actually-lets-not-be-in-the-moment.html?_...

In Relationship with Mental Illness
Many couples find that their relationships blossom in the warmth of mutual respect, encouragement, improving communication skills, and...

Earth, Water, Air, and Fire
Everyone, every day, everywhere, is facing heightening levels of stress, and struggling to diminish the effects. The key to alleviating...

Your Imaginary Run
Ever been sitting in class and felt so antsy you wished you could just go for a good run? Or at a family reunion, business meeting, an...

The Self-Healing Brain
I love learning. New information, new experiences -- when I'm learning, I feel expansive, and excited. I recently trained in a...